Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
We were left with one big question. What do we do now?
My first inclination was to make sure I was right. I knew I was right, but I am not a doctor and my thoughts hold no merit with insurance companies or the medical community. I found a Neurologist within about an hour drive of us who others recommended and made an appointment. My husband couldn't get the time off, so I went by myself.
I took my little boy by the hand, walked into that appointment, and laid out what I had been seeing. He listened and then started a battery of tests. I watched as he played these games with my son, knowing there was a reason behind each one. Finally he sat down, closed his box of fun things, handed my son his stethoscope to play with, opened his file (they still used paper and pen then), and looked me in the eye. He said, "your son has Autism". He then stopped and waited for me to digest his words. The thing is, I had digested them weeks earlier. I knew what my son had. So, without skipping a beat I said, "OK, so what do we do next".
It's like he couldn't comprehend that I wasn't a mess. But I had already found my resolve (for the most part) when I first read those words on the screen weeks earlier. I just needed to have a team to help me help my son. He said it again as if I didn't understand his words. I told him I understood and what did we do next.
He gave me a short list:
- Enroll him in public school PPCD program (preschool for children with special needs)
- Take him to a Developmental Pediatrician for the full Autism testing program
- Give him this medication for his ADHD tendencies
I walked out with that paper in my hand, the prescription, and my son's tiny hand in the other. As I left the building it hit me, this was my new normal. And I cried. I walked down the sidewalk crying. It wasn't the ugly tears I expected, more of a soft letting go of what I thought life would be like. By the time I got to my car it was over. I had found my spine and it was time to get into warrior mode.
I started my car, pulled out of the parking lot, and called my husband with the news. We had a lot of decisions to make and not a lot of time to make them.
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