Thursday, May 19, 2016

Here We Go

Life has been nuts.

Starting tomorrow life is going to get nuttier.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Knowing I can't stop some of the insanity, I try to limit it where I can. For instance, on Sunday we start our 1950's experiment. I am actually looking forward to it. Yes, I am looking forward to less television, more outside time, more family time, more down time. No, I haven't lost my mind.

Another way we slow things down is with school. That means I let my kids do some of the direction that our lessons go. With that comes things like Reading Eggspress. It's the bigger kid section of Reading Eggs. My sons love it.

But not everything is computers and tech. Today, for example, we needed to work on spelling. I didn't pull out the spelling lists, I pulled out the games.

Yep, I played Scrabble with my sons for spelling and it was fun. The best part is, I only won by 14 points. I had HORRIBLE letters. Seriously, at one point I had an O, A, and 5 I's. Did you know there are only 9 I's in the game. That's a lot of I's to have. But, I love winning by only 14 points and I love losing to my sons even more because I don't let them win. They earned it.

Tomorrow we start on some new items for our sons medical issues. It's a good thing. It will really help them, but it's something new to learn and more things to add to the day.

You know, tonight I was watching Mom's Night Out on DVD and the Mom I most identify with is talking about how she's stress paralyzed. Her husband looks at her like she's nuts and tells her he doesn't think that's a thing. I am here to tell you, it's a thing. Anyone who doesn't think so is either not a parent or ... well, they just aren't a parent. I have been stress paralyzed lately. But, I am moving on from that towards stress upwardly mobile. I am working on seeing the beauty in the chaos. God is not the author of confusion, so anything I am stress paralyzed about is just satan working on me and me not focusing on God. It's me taking my eyes off of Him, looking down at the water I am walking on, and starting to drown. If I simply lift my eyes up and fix them back on my Savior, I will rise to walk in His strength and power. And that's where I am today.

Yep, it's a good day.


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