We have a lot of Dys in this house. But, we have a lot of other things as well, so we just throw it all in the pile and move on. We have one son with confirmed Dyslexia and another with probable Dysgraphia and Dypraxia (still working on diagnosis there, but it's pretty much a given if you were to know him). It seems we struggle and struggle and then a puzzle piece is finally handed to us to help make our picture a bit more complete, a bit easier to figure out. These two new labels explain so much about our younger son and make figuring out how to help him so much easier.
I spoke to a Mom who home educates her child with Dysgraphia and Dyslexia and she gave me a LOT of information. She also pointed me to Diane Craft. I perused her site, looked at her information, talked to others about it, and decided to purchase items that would be the most beneficial to our sons.
They came yesterday and wow, this looks like exactly what they need. It's not just a new way to teach, it's a new way to learn, and help fixing many of the issues that are causing our sons problems. I am fired up. It's a lot to add to our day and I have some homework to do now, but I can't wait to get started.
I want to share her website with you all in case someone else is dealing with anything she might be able to help you with or your child(visual, auditory, visual/motor, attention/focusing/behavior).
Diane Craft
Talk soon
My daughter is dyslexic. I am also a public school teacher. Here is a great site, which helps celebrate dyslexia. It also helps you to understand dyslexia in a different way. http://www.dyslexicadvantage.org/